You've Really Drawn Me In

Yesterday we hosted our second rendition of the Lazy Oaf Drawing Club 2010 and it went down a storm. With the room filled with mulit-coloured balloons, the walls lined in neon frames and seven eager illustrators ready to work their drawing magic on the walls, we were all set for creating the ultimate drawing frenzy.
Eager doodlers got drawing on balloons whilst queuing up for the goodie bags.
Attendees went wild on walls filling the frames with designs like this intricate drawing of Tyrannosaurs Rex.
The event was sponsored by our favourite pens Posca; you can check out the photos the lovely Lizzie from Posca took on the night on FlickR.
Designer of the Rainbows are Shit Tote Bag Richard Fairhead worked his magic on a balloon.
Balloons (courtesy of were handed to each person on entry and took on every different form imaginable.
The wonderful people at Kopparberg supplied us with drinks - we were particularly sold with the lime and strawberry variety.
May we say a huge thank you to Nicholas Saunders (above), Zeroten, Tom Edwards, Rosy Nicholas, Chrissie Abbott, Ian Stevenson, Bob London and Joe Baglow who devoted their evening to creating masterpieces before our very eyes.
Zeroten and his many frames.
Unfortunately Jean Julien could not attend so in stead he sent us an explanation in the form of this poster.
Joe Baglow adds the finishing touches to his webcam babe.
Tom Edwards travelled down from Brighton to bring us this elephant masterpiece
Rosy Nicholas (left) and Chrissie Abbott (right) worked together to bring us this Egyptian world.
A snippet of Ian Stevenson's wall of mutations.
Bob London's finishing design.
You will be able to see these illustrations in all of their entirety on the blog in the next couple of days or you can head on down to the Limited Edition Store at 18 Shorts Gardens over the next two weeks and see them in real life until Saturday 5th June.

As the artists began to leave, us Oaf girls decided to get in on the action. Above you can see me and Ellie making the most of the neon backdrop filled with all of your drawings.
Here is new shop girl Steph and Shevone in front of Zeroten's wall of frames.
Part of Zeroten's design.
One of the highlights of the night was the arrival of current Drawing Club contributor Gemma Correll and her amazing little puppy pug Mr. Pickles.
He was definitely the most photogenic attendee and even had his own bow tie. Now we all want our very own pug friend for the Oaf office and shop please.
May we say a massive thank you to all of you who came along and showed us what you've got. And you've certainly got a lot!
All the photos from the event will be up on our Facebook and FlickR in the next couple of days.