You're My Number One

Posted by Jerry.
This Saturday was the celebration of the first birthday of our Fouberts Place Shop so we decided to throw a party, and partying is what we did. Despite the chaos kicking off in central London on Saturday, we kept things calm with the help of sweets, discount and plenty of tunes. Thanks to Lucy Vanilla, we treated all our shop visitors to a selection of mind blowingly delicious rainbow sponge cupcakes and handmade chocolate lollies that tasted even better than they looked (if this is even possible).
Check out the photos below to find out what we got up to including top chocolate posing, secret confessions and extra special guests.
Cake crew.
Ashley and Stefan from The Midnight Beast enjoying a cake.
Two happy shoppers leaving with their purchases including the complimentary party bag (for all who spent over £20).
Shop boss Steph gets snapped with a tash in her Dotty Jumper.
I smartened up my Mono Shirt with a glittered chocolate bow (later dipped into a cup of brew, dreamy....).
Introducing our newest member of the team Dee looking happy to have acquired a curly moustache.
Gemma gets tashiliscious.
Ellie having the best of both worlds with a lolly and cake.
Cutting into a cupcake revealed a swirly, magical rainbow surprise. Ellie's minty nails couldn't have been a finer match.
Lucy Vanilla's range of sugary treats printed onto business cards.
For our birthday only, we were giving you a chance to grab a collection of Lazy Oaf surprises in our lucky dip for just £5! One shopper left with 9 for her pals!
Shop exclusive: Here is a sneak peek of some of our latest sunglasses designs to hit the shelves this spring modeled by our boney trio.
Talking of trios, we were hyped to have a special visit from hip hop/pop sensation The Midnight Beast (you gotta check them out on youtube) - Stefan even wore his Puppet T-shirt for the occasion. And the boys didn't leave empty handed; Stefan got a Rola Cola Necklace, Dru, the Brick Wall T-shirt and Ashley picked an All Seeing Eye Necklace. Check out the boys posing with their favourite greetings cards above.
One of our shop regulars Harry looked hot to trot in his Wolf Moon T-shirt. He also let us in his now not-so-secret first crush (see below)!
This shoppers luminous locks matched the cupcakes perfectly.
As it was our 1st birthday, we were asking you to tell us about your firsts and numbers ones. We had funny, we had shocking and we had some that were too explicit to post!
This window will be up until this Saturday 2nd April so if you're in town, go check it out and add your own addition.
At the end of the day, our shop girls Dee, Steph and Zoe got together to say a final happy birthday to our beloved shop. Bring on year number 2.
May we say a big thanks to all of you who came down, we hope you had fun. And for those of you who didn't make it, perhaps you will be about in October for our official 10th anniversary party as a brand. It's going to be something else.
You will be able to see more photos from this event on the shop Facebook fanpage.