Unicorns, Gems and George Lamb

From Friday to Sunday last week the Oaf team made a rather awkward journey involving numerous buses and trains to the far east, that being East London to the ExCel Centre for the return of the Clothes Show Live in London! We may have missed the sunniest weekend yet but we still managed to have lots of fun!
With the help from paper cutting genius Rosy Nicholas, we created a magical stand filled with oversized gems, mystical unicorns and whimsical foxes. And check out our eyeball bunting, have you ever seen something soooo eye catching?!
Like at every Clothes Show and event we do, we are always on the look out for you Oaf's and this show certainly didn't disappoint. Check out who we snapped up above including our favourite Oaf fanatics in matching moustache hoodies and a very lovely girl sporting the Gems T in a new, off the shoulder fashion (might steal this look for myself!)
Undoubtedly the highlight of the show was meeting the Oaf idol that is George Lamb (ahhh sorry Shevone!). Here at the Lazy Oaf HQ George's breakfast show on BBC 6 Music brings us joy on a daily basis so when he walked past our stand Ellie and I made sure we showed our appreciation! And I can safely say he is as charming and handsome as he looks. PUT YOU ON IT!
After all her riff-raff with Peter Andre, the main attraction of the weekend was Miss Katie Price who made a catwalk debut with her new horsey range. Although none of us were lucky enough to meet the queen of plastic herself, I did test my paparazzi skills by taking some sneaky close-up photos and my oh my are they revealing. I think all that horse stuff has gone to her head a bit because check out that mane, it's more Amy Winehouse than Barbie!
A big fat thank you to everyone who came along to see us, we always love meeting you all and hope you are super happy with your bargainous buys. Anyone brave a Fake Bake?
P.S Did anyone try these? Probably the best 2 minutes of mine and Rachel's lives.
Have delicious weekends x