THE Sample Sale

Last weekend the Lazy Oaf team packed up our studio into boxes and travelled down the road to Drays Walk off Brick Lane to bring to you the sample sale of sample sales. Armed with neon paper, scissors, pens and lots of tape, our design team soon got to work on filling our shop window with 2 very enticing giant pyramids (check the bad boys out below!) Early on Saturday morning we were very excited to arrive and see some of you waiting for us to open - now that is true Oaf dedication! After much ODC folding, fancy flyering, rocky road munching and dancing to the Saved by the Bell theme tune, we can safely say we had a superb weekend made even better by all of you who showed up so a BIG thank you to those who did.
Here are some snaps of us at work:
Whoa check out how good some of you looked in your Oaf gear!
Here at the Lazy HQ we just love dogs so we were over the moon when this little Shi-Tzu and French Bulldog came to pay us a visit. Whoever made the No Dogs Allowed rule is crazy!
So a big thank you if you came along and make sure you don't miss out on our next bargainous shopping event on 23rd April 2009.